Elmer and Loretta Hangin’ Out


Artist: Charles Wysocki

Edition: 597, 598/9500

Image size: 23″ x 20″

Released year: 1999

Signed & numbered by the artist

2 in stock




Elmer and Loretta’s old New England colonial pharmacy contains many of the home and folk “remedies” that were available in the time when the pharmacist/chemist/herbalist had an open door for experimenting with substances and formulas touted to be everything from cure-alls to miracle healing recipes.

Upon observing my beginning drawings of this workshop dealing with the well-being of its patrons, I thought I, for one, would think twice about having my prescription filled with the questionable ingredients shown in this environment!

The muted color of the paraphernalia was garnered from old Victorian postcards from my collection and the aged pharmaceutical items from various books in my library. In constantly replacing items for better sotutions and exaggerating a quirky artistic license, I tried not to offend or get too painfully personal in these absurd medications.

Thankfully, ol’ Elmer and lucky Loretta, mired in the midst of this cheeky atmosphere, seem to be totally content hangin’ out here. Caveat Emptor!
-Charles Wysock



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